

Pre-breakage energy detection is a type of test that is used to determine the energy required to cause fracture or breakage in a material or structure. It involves applying a controlled force or load to the specimen and measuring the energy absorption or release during the deformation process. The following instruments are commonly used for pre-breakage energy detection:

1. Universal Testing Machine: A universal testing machine is a versatile instrument used to perform a variety of mechanical tests, including tensile, compression, and flexural tests. It can be used to apply controlled loads and measure the corresponding displacement or deformation of the specimen.

2. Impact Testing Machine: An impact testing machine is specifically designed to measure the energy required to fracture a material under high-speed impact conditions. It consists of a pendulum or a striker that delivers a controlled impact to the specimen, and sensors to measure the energy absorbed or released during the fracture.

3. Charpy Impact Testing Machine: Charpy impact testing machine is a specific type of impact testing machine that measures the impact energy required to fracture a notched specimen subjected to a single blow. It is commonly used for testing the impact toughness of materials.

4. Drop Weight Tear Test (DWTT) Machine: The DWTT machine is used to evaluate the fracture resistance of pipe and plate materials. It consists of a heavy weight or hammer dropped onto the specimen, causing a localized fracture. The energy absorbed during the fracture is measured to assess the material's resistance to brittle fracture.

